The Thlewiaza-Seal Rivers

Challenge of the Ice

Seasoned canoeist and wilderness enthusiast Fred Nelson shares his firsthand experience of a remarkable expedition. Read more articles by clicking on BLOG.

The book is about a true canoeing adventure in the northern wilderness of Canada.
Read more about the adventure by clicking on BOOK.

The author made his first canoe trip in the wilderness of Canada in 1969 and
completed nineteen trips by the time he retired. Read more by clicking on AUTHOR.

A review of the book made this statement, “The balance of images and straightforward storytelling made the story flyby, and the emotional and physical journey the author and his crew went on, kept the reader invested and captivated throughout this entire book.” Read more by clicking on REVIEWS.

Several summaries of the book in videos can be seen by clicking on VIDEO.

The Thlewiaza-Seal Rivers: Challenge of the Ice